鍛鉄家 加成幸男のショールームも兼ねて


鍛鉄家 加成幸男はイタリア スティアで開催される鍛冶屋のビエンナーレで彫刻の部第2位、

江州屋Goshuya is a wrought iron shop located in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture in Japan.
It also serves as a showroom for blacksmith Yukio Kanari, and we also accept consultations on production of interiors, exteriors, etc.

The store was built in 1927, and the four-room glass shoji screen is still in use.
It was entered as a building in Hanno that we would like to preserve and won a prize.
The origin of the name Goshuya is the name of a soy sauce shop that my great-grandfather started in this area.

Blacksmiyh Yukio Kanari was awarded 2nd place in the engraving category at the Blacksmith Biennale held in Stia, Italy, and 3rd place in the World Forging Championship, and is known as a Grand Meister.
He creates highly complete works with all his heart, starting with small wrought iron items.